Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Friendly Panda Creations
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The Problem With Phones: Old Phone vs. Smart Phone

Phones have evolved and become a part of our lives since the 80’s. Today, our phones are now considered smart – with the ability to connect to the powerful world-wide web and to do thousands of things.
But what made older phones, such as Nokia, efficient during their time – and I would consider to still be efficient today, and would be able to rival today’s wide array of phones?

1. Battery Life.

Today’s phones quickly expend battery life, and you’ll be finding yourself using your phone next to the socket with a charger on it often.

Power banks were recently made to solve this, for when people are on the road and unable to charge their device. 

Older phones have battery life that last 5-7 days even with usage, and so aren’t much of a hassle.

2. Simple and Straightforward.

The original phone has two main functions. It is used mainly for calling and texting.  As time went by, new features were added such as music, camera, video, internet, applications, and so on. But we’re still mainly using the phone for these two main functions, right? Nope. Times have changed!

Today, the phone’s function may have changed drastically as advancements in technology make way for internet usage being more widely available. Internet.org was recently launched in the Philippines, and Facebook is becoming our top means for communication.

Still, I like the older phones for its simplicity. People, then, only needed to know how to send an SMS or call and had no troubles doing so. While right now, obstacles such as using a QWERTY layout and digging through the confusing apps prove to be a slight difficulty, as well as some time to learn the various interfaces of common websites we visit today.

3. No Unnecessary Data.

Older phones, as I said, were simpler times. Today’s phone experience offers a LOT of free options through applications available for download. While more is good, most of these apps are unnecessary and come with unnecessary load such as advertisements.

4. Sturdy.

Nokia phones. Need I say more? Check out this Quora article on the history of Nokia, and why indestructible is often associated with it.

Cons of the Old Phone

Old phones function mainly for call and SMS. What today’s smart phone improves on those functions is the user interface for doing these tasks. Text messages are now stacked based on the contact as a conversation. The new phone’s improved memory and disk space also makes storing these data  better and can hold thousands of text messages.

The Dream Phone

If the Internet didn’t become that much of a necessity in our modern times, it would be awesome for a phone that combines all these strengths to create a simple and powerful phone for the basic user.
Battery life and sturdiness would still be like older times.

Basic functions are prioritized, and adapt a better interface and better efficiency thanks to more space and memory.


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